Whiplash Claims: Here’s What to Do.

August 10, 2023 | By Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys
Whiplash Claims: Here’s What to Do.

Whiplash is an injury common in vehicle accidents. It refers to the soft-tissue injuries that typically result from a rapid back-and-forth neck motion that can happen during impact. Though whiplash is often portrayed on TV and in movies in a humorous manner, it can be a very serious condition that causes long-term issues. 

If you've been involved in an accident, it's always a good idea to get checked out by a medical professional. If the accident was the result of someone else's negligence, we advise getting a whiplash lawyer on your side to ensure that you are taken care of down the road. If you are currently in this situation, give us a call or text at (602) 345-1818, or fill out our convenient online contact form

How Do I Know If I Have Whiplash from My Accident?

Whiplash is often a condition that shows up hours or days after an accident. As such, you should get checked out immediately after the collision. Some symptoms of whiplash that you may notice include:

  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Headache
  • Loss of neck motion or pain when moving
  • Tingling or numb arms
  • Pain in back, arms, or shoulders
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Ringing in ears
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Memory issues
  • Difficulty focusing

As stated, whiplash injuries can cause long-term issues and complications. These long-term issues can also exacerbate pre-existing conditions. Some complications from whiplash include continued severe neck pain, discomfort that spreads to arms, and headaches. If you think you have whiplash after an accident, see a doctor, and call a car accident lawyer today to discuss your case. 

Swift Medical Attention Is Imperative

Because whiplash is a condition that tends to show up hours or days after a car accident, it's vital that you seek immediate medical attention. Many people wait too long after a car crash to get medical attention because they feel no immediate pain. This is detrimental because of a few reasons. Severe, potentially life-threatening injuries can also go unnoticed after an accident. Whether it's whiplash or a traumatic brain injury, the best strategy is to get checked out to make sure you are OK. 

Additionally, insurance providers are typically skeptical about whiplash claims. If you do end up needing to file a whiplash claim, you will need to have medical records to validate your claims. Seeking medical attention ensures that you are taken care of in worst-case scenarios and protects any claims you may have down the road. 

Treatment for whiplash may include pain management or rehabilitation to restore the range of neck motion. Other forms of treatment may include foam rollers, hot/cold compresses, rest, pain medication, and specific exercise routines. In cases that are more serious, a doctor may prescribe medications, injections, or physical therapy. Typical recovery for whiplash is about two to four weeks, but that's not always the case. With more severe whiplash, recovery could take much longer. These medical expenses can compound, but you may be able to seek compensation to help. A whiplash lawyer in New Mexico or Arizona can help you calculate your recovery. 

Begin the Claim Process Immediately

To ensure that you don't miss any deadlines the insurance company may have, file your claim as soon as possible. When filing a claim, it's advisable to have a whiplash lawyer help you. It's imperative to follow insurance claim best practices for whiplash, including:

  1. Give only the facts - When going back and forth with the insurance company, only state the facts. Don't speculate or give opinions. Give the insurance provider information like the date, time, and location of the accident. You may also state that you are receiving medical treatment, but do not go into detail about the level of pain or the severity of your injuries. Revealing too much information could unintentionally harm your case down the road. 
  2. Never admit fault - Even if you are partially responsible for the accident, don't say that to the insurance company. Partial liability will be established with evidence down the road. Admitting any level of fault to the insurance company can prevent you from getting the insurance settlement you need to recover. 
  3. Don't consent to an independent medical examination - The insurance company might explain to you that it's necessary to see their physician, but you do not have to do that. Any doctor you see who is affiliated with the insurance company has the best interest of the insurance company in mind, not your best interest. They are trying to pay you the least possible settlement. 

During the process, make sure you document everything. This means keeping a list of medical expenses and the time you missed from work. You and your whiplash lawyer will collect all medical records showing the attention and treatment you received/are set to receive, as well as the details of your whiplash injury from a vehicle accident. We'll also collect any medical records from before the accident showing your status of health prior to the car accident injury. Note that any economic expense related to your injury may be reimbursable down the road.

Hire an Accident Attorney Today

There's no guarantee that the insurance company will provide you with the appropriate settlement offer for your whiplash claim. In this case, filing a personal injury lawsuit is the next step to getting a settlement that will help you recover physically and financially. You may be able to recover economic and non-economic costs in your personal injury suit. Non-economic costs include pain and suffering, emotional trauma, etc. 

If you have found yourself in this frustrating and overwhelming situation, give Impact Legal a call today at (602) 345-1818, or fill out our online form, and we'll reach out to you to schedule a free initial consultation to review the facts of your whiplash case.