Secrets About the Insurance Companies As Told By Insurance Lawyers

August 10, 2023 | By Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys
Secrets About the Insurance Companies As Told By Insurance Lawyers

It happens all of the time. Unknowing car accident victims put full faith in the insurance adjuster only to lose a lot of potential settlement dollars and struggle to pay their accident-related bills. On the blog today, we'll reveal insurance company secrets that may help you protect your accident settlement.

If you've been in a car accident and are getting the runaround from the insurance company, know that you have a right to protect your interests. For the best next steps, call or text our insurance lawyers in Arizona at (602) 345-1818. We will provide you with a free case evaluation to help you make the best legal decisions regarding your accident settlement. You may also request a free initial evaluation by filling out our confidential online form here. 

Secret # 1 - The Insurance Company Hopes You Won't Hire a Lawyer

Victims who hire attorneys are more likely to retain fair and appropriate accident settlements from insurance companies. Claimants who have an attorney on their side often receive much more compensation for their damages, even after attorney fees are calculated. Insurance companies know this, so they often try to offer low settlements quickly in hopes that claimants will accept low settlements before consulting an insurance lawyer in Arizona. It's advisable to consult a lawyer as soon as possible, but here are a few key signs you should consider bringing on the support of an experienced insurance lawyer:

  1. You and the insurance adjuster are clearly not seeing eye to eye on your claim
  2. Your claim is large and complex
  3. Liability for the accident is contested

Personal injury lawyers typically offer free initial consultations, so if you're unsure if you need a lawyer, schedule a free appointment. If your claim is straightforward and you end up not needing legal support, they'll tell you so in the initial conversation. If you do need a lawyer, you'll be glad you made the effort to consult one about your specific case. To set up a consultation with our lawyers at Impact Legal, fill out this online form

Secret # 2 - The Insurance Wants to Pay You a Lot Less Than You Need and Deserve

Insurance adjusters use a lot of tactics to pay out as little settlement as possible, and unless you know about them in the beginning, you may hurt your recovery by falling for their tricks. Some usual tactics insurance companies use to diminish your accident settlement include: 

  • Attempting to offer a low quick-turn settlement before you have the information you need
  • Denying your valid claim entirely in hopes that you'll give up
  • Delaying your claim in hopes that you'll become desperate and settle for less
  • Pointing the finger at you, putting you on the hook for liability in the accident
  • Downplaying your injuries

Secret # 3 - Your Initial Settlement Offer May Not Have Been Evaluated By a Real Person

Large insurance companies receive a staggering number of claims every day. While they are legally obligated to review every claim in good faith, sometimes they rely on faulty, hasty algorithms to do the legwork for them. This practice often leads to incredibly low settlement offers that leave out significant considerations and damages. The computer algorithm will compare your claim to similar claims, which can cause a lot of issues, working against the interests of accident victims. Here are a few reasons claimants should be concerned about hasty computer-generated claims:

  1. Every case is unique - Algorithms compare similar cases to come to a settlement amount, but this is dangerous because each case has a specific set of facts that should be considered when determining damages. 
  2. You have a legal right - You are legally entitled to have a human review and generate your accident settlement claim.  
  3. The algorithm is written to favor the insurance company - Computer-generated offers are typically lower because the system isn't written for the interests of the claimant – it's written to protect the insurance company.  

Secret # 4 - Your Insurance Adjuster May Be Trying to Twist Your Words/Situation

A common mistake victims make when it comes to the insurance company is thinking that the adjuster is on their side. It's important to understand that the adjuster is not your friend, and they are likely not considering your best interests when reviewing your claim. In fact, in the worst cases, insurance companies set out to twist the words of victims, making it seem their injuries and losses are minimal or nonexistent. In some cases, insurance adjusters may try to find ways to pin the fault on victims by twisting their words. 

It's best to keep communication at a minimum when it comes to dealing with the insurance company. In fact, having an insurance lawyer on your side can greatly reduce the likelihood that your words will be twisted by the insurance company to diminish your settlement. Note that even common pleasantries can land you in a world of trouble when it comes to speaking with the adjuster.

An Insurance Lawyer Can Help You

When it comes to communicating and negotiating with an insurance company to ensure you get the settlement to which you are entitled, hiring the right insurance lawyer can be a crucial step. A lawyer will help you in the following ways:

  • Protecting your rights when it comes to common insurance company tricks
  • Identifying and taking quick action when it comes to bad faith insurance practices
  • Communicating and negotiating with the insurance adjuster on your behalf to protect you from inadvertently devaluing your accident claim
  • Negotiating with the insurance company to provide you with the best chance of getting a fair and appropriate settlement that will help you recover and get your life back on track
  • Gathering information and evidence that will help support your claim and protect your settlement
  • Fighting for your right to recover in a courtroom if a fair settlement cannot be reached via negotiations

Don't let yourself get played by the insurance company. Schedule a free consultation and case review with our insurance lawyers today by texting or calling us at (602) 345-1818. You may, alternatively, fill out our convenient and confidential online form here. You don't have to go up against a tricky insurance company alone. We will be there to fight for you every step of the way.