Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle My Car Accident Case?

August 10, 2023 | By Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys
Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle My Car Accident Case?

When someone is in an accident, whether it be a car accidentdog-bite incidentsemi-truck wreck, or something else, they may wonder “do I need a lawyer?” The answer is it depends. Every case is different. Some may be simple and straightforward enough to handle on your own, but some may be complicated and call for the experience and knowledge of an injury claim lawyer. In this article, we'll dissect when you need a lawyer to handle your case and when you may be able to handle it on your own.

If you have any specific questions, please give us a call or text. We understand that each case has its own specific set of facts, and you may have questions left unanswered. You can reach us at 602-345-1818. We offer free consultations, so your call with us is completely risk-free. 

Reasons Hiring a Lawyer Is the Right Thing to Do for Your Case

There are several reasons why you should consider hiring a car accident lawyer. Having an attorney on your side throughout the process can help you in:

  1. Proving negligence
  2. Identifying and proving fault
  3. Increasing your compensation
  4. Protecting you from fault
  5. Protecting you from common insurance adjuster tactics to get you to settle for less
  6. Advising you on specifics with your case
  7. Communicating and negotiating with the insurance company and other involved parties

Insurance companies and attorneys handle these types of cases every day. Fortunately, the average person hasn't had enough car accidents to truly understand the ins and outs of an injury claim. That's another huge reason you should hire a lawyer. Imagine being up against an insurance adjuster who knows every tip and trick in the book to get you to settle for less than you deserve. Having an attorney there to guide you will be priceless. Here are a few common tactics that insurance adjusters use to lowball you out of your recovery:

  • They delay. They keep requesting documentation one paper at a time. They should request all necessary documentation at one time. Repeated requests are a common delay tactic. 
  • They instantly deny a perfectly valid claim. This isn't right, and you can take legal action.
  • They are repeatedly requesting unnecessary information and documentation, including intrusive and irrelevant medical records.
  • They keep telling you that they don't yet have a decision.
  • They keep requesting multiple statements from various people, including medical providers and property repair professionals.
  • They are bringing up random laws and telling you what's legal and illegal 
  • They point to complex policy language as an attempt to confuse you.
  • They switch insurance adjusters in the middle of your claim investigation.
  • They delay the claim investigation entirely. If you hear no news for too long, it may be a sign that the insurance company is stalling.

If any of these things are happening to you, it's past time to call a lawyer. You should schedule a legal consultation immediately because the insurance company is likely trying to make you desperate enough to take a lowball settlement or reject your settlement altogether.   

Things to Keep in Mind After a Car Accident

After a car accident, you'll want to follow a checklist to ensure you, everyone involved, and your potential injury claim are safe. Here's our car accident aftermath checklist to ensure you take the right steps directly after an accident. In addition to the direct-aftermath checklist, you'll want to keep these things in mind after a crash:

  1. If you have injuries or damages, you may be entitled to compensation to help you recover.
  2. At Impact Legal, we provide free consultations where we will review your case and provide you with the best next steps (most injury attorneys provide free consultations). Fill out our form here to request yours.
  3. Insurance companies do not have your best interest in mind, and adjusters are not your friends. 
  4. Act as quickly as possible. Contacting a lawyer early is essential to the health of your case for multiple reasons.

What Types of Car Accident Cases Can I Handle on My Own?

Because car accident lawyer consultations are typically free, we advise that you at least speak with a personal injury lawyer initially. If your case is straightforward and easily settled without a lawyer, your attorney will tell you that. Scheduling an initial consultation is also smart because if you do decide to represent yourself, you will always have a readily available attorney contact who knows about your case in case things go south with the insurance company. 

If you must attempt to handle your case alone, keep these insurance communication and negotiation tips in mind. Additionally, watch out for these common car accident claim mistakes:

  • Stay away from social media– here's why that's vital to your car accident settlement. 
  • Keep good records and collect all necessary evidence
  • Keep up with doctor appointments (go to the ER to get checked out directly after the accident, then keep going to appointments if you need to).
  • Remember that the insurance adjuster is not your friend – be mindful of how you speak with them and what you tell them. 

For more information on personal injury case cautions, please review our blog about how to avoid mistakes when filing a personal injury claim

You're Not Alone in This

Car accidents can be a scary time. Remember, you don't have to do this alone. Our team is here for you to guide you and fight for you every step of the way. Schedule an initial consultation at no cost to you today by calling or texting 602-345-1818. You may also fill out our convenient contact form to request a consultation. 

For more resources, please review our blog. Remember, while general research about your case may be helpful for you in understanding your options, our online resources are not intended to replace our attorneys' legal advice. Our blog is not intended to provide legal advice, and you should consult a lawyer about your specific legal situation.