If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident in Phoenix, AZ, contact Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys at (602) 345-1818. Our experienced Phoenix car accident lawyers is here to help you get the financial accountability you deserve. Call our legal team and schedule your free initial consultation today!
Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys is a trusted advocate for injury victims and families in Phoenix and throughout Arizona. As a recognized leader in auto accident litigation, we force insurance companies, governments, and corporations to offer our clients life-changing monetary awards. The result is millions in settlements and jury awards recovered.
You have rights as a crash victim, including the ability to seek compensation for your suffering, medical expenses, and disability. Choose the law firm that’ll have the greatest impact on your fight for compensation.
How Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys Can Help You After a Car Accident in Phoenix, AZ

Even if you are entitled to compensation, at-fault parties and insurance companies won’t make things easy for you. They’ll downplay your injuries, point fingers, cast blame, and engage in other tactics to stand between you and the money you deserve.
Set the stage for a successful outcome by trusting our Phoenix personal injury lawyer to handle your car accident case.
Attorney Jared J. Pehrson is a top-rated Arizona trial attorney with extensive experience handling complex personal injury matters. Through client-driven, cutting-edge legal strategies, he’s successfully obtained millions for the good people he represents.
When you trust our personal injury law firm in Phoenix, AZ, after your car accident, we will:
- Carefully investigate the circumstances of your traffic accident to assess causation and liability
- Gather key pieces of evidence, including medical records, accident reports, property damage, cell phone records, eyewitness statements, maintenance records, photographs, dashcam and red light video footage, and more
- Collaborate with expert witnesses and specialists as we build your personal injury case and calculate what your damages are likely worth
- Help you understand your legal rights and options
- Fight to get you the best possible terms in a settlement during negotiations with the insurance company and at-fault party
- Make the defense take on our respected Arizona litigator at trial if they refuse to take responsibility for your devastating crash
You’re going through an incredibly difficult time in your life. Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys will be there to help you every step of the way. We offer accessible, transparent, honest legal representation – the kind you need and deserve right now.
Ready to get started? Reach out to our law office to schedule a free consultation with a Phoenix car accident attorney.
Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Attorney?
You’re more likely to win your car accident case and get the insurance company to offer a reasonable settlement.
In fact, research shows that people who hire auto accident attorneys tend to win up to 3.5 times more than those who don’t.
Here’s why:
- The insurance company loses its advantage and is forced to fight on a more level playing field
- You’ll benefit from the law firm’s considerable monetary resources
- Experts and specialists will weigh in and testify in support of your claim
- You’ll be protected from unsubstantiated claims of comparative negligence that could hurt your ability to recover compensation
- It gives you the time you really need to focus on your physical health, emotional well-being, and overall recovery
Your choice of attorney matters. You’ll want to choose the car accident attorney who’s experienced, resourceful, and has a demonstrated ability to win tough cases like yours – the one who will have the greatest impact on your case. That’s why Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys should be your first call for help.
We help car accident victims and families win millions. Today, we’re here to fight to get you top results, too. Contact our Phoenix law office to speak with a member of our team about your case now.
How Much Is My Phoenix Car Accident Case Worth?
Car accidents can be expensive – resulting in costly medical care, making you miss time at work, and causing significant destruction to your vehicle and personal property.
Crashes can also have a sizable impact on your ability to live and enjoy your life pain-free.
Fortunately, you can be compensated for your injuries and losses through an insurance claim or car accident lawsuit.
How much you can expect to recover after a Phoenix car accident will depend on several factors:
- What types of physical injuries have you suffered?
- Which part(s) of your body have been affected?
- Are you disabled, temporarily or permanently?
- Can you still work?
- Has the collision changed your earning capacity?
- What costs have you had related to repairing damaged property, medical travel, or other crash-related experiences?
- How old are you?
- What insurance benefits are available to you?
- Do you share responsibility for the motor vehicle accident?
- Did you take the necessary steps to mitigate your damages?
Generally speaking, the more severe your physical injuries and the more of an impact the wreck has on your overall quality of life, the more you can expect your car accident case to be worth.
When Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim in Arizona?
In Arizona, a two-year statute of limitations applies to most car accident claims.
This gives you up to two years from the date of your collision or family member’s wrongful death to file a claim with insurance or seek damages in a car accident lawsuit.
Once the statute of limitations runs out, you will lose the right to demand compensation from an insurer or liable third party.
While there are limited exceptions to the statute of limitations – such as matters involving injured children – you’ll want to act fast to protect your rights. Call our car accident attorney in Phoenix to get the help you need right away.
What Will It Cost to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Phoenix?
You shouldn’t have to stress about the cost of hiring a lawyer after an auto accident in Phoenix, AZ. That’s why Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys represents crash victims and families on a contingency fee basis.
We’ll cover any costs associated with pursuing your claim – including court costs, administrative expenses, and expert witness fees.
You’ll only pay attorney’s fees when we win compensation for your car accident case. If we don’t win, you pay nothing.
Ultimately, it will cost between 33 and 40 percent of your settlement or jury verdict. Fees are deducted directly from your financial award, so it costs nothing out of pocket to get the legal representation you need and deserve.
Fighting For Clients in All Types of Car Accident Cases
Every car accident is different. The insurance company will be familiar with all different types of claims. When you hire an attorney, you’ll want to choose one who’s experienced and knowledgeable, too.
At Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys, we have extensive experience representing clients in all types of car accident cases, including:
Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end collisions occur when one vehicle crashes into the back end of another. Most often, these types of accidents happen at intersections or in stop-and-go traffic. Research shows that about 87 percent of rear-end car accidents involve a distracted driver.
A vehicle rollover occurs when a car tips on its side, flips onto its roof or rolls over entirely (one or more times). Most often, rollovers involve SUVs and other vehicles with high centers of gravity that make sharp turns at high speeds or trip on an object in the road.
Head-On Collisions
Head-on collisions, or frontal crashes, happen when two vehicles strike each other head-on or when a vehicle strikes a fixed object head-on. These accidents can be quite serious, accounting for north of 10 percent of the nation’s fatal wrecks each year.
Side-Impact Accidents
Sometimes, the side of a vehicle is struck in an accident. T-Bone accidents – where the front end of one vehicle drives into the side of another vehicle – and sideswipes – where two vehicles make contact on the side – are classified as side-impact collisions. We went to see these types of crashes at intersections and when motorists execute dangerous turns.
Hit and Run Accidents
Even though motorists are legally required to stay at the scene of most car accidents, some leave before the police arrive on the scene. Unfortunately, hit and run accidents are quite common in Arizona.
Accidents With Uninsured Motorists
Despite state-mandated insurance requirements, many drivers in Arizona are uninsured. Uninsured drivers make it difficult to recover compensation, especially considering Arizona’s fault-based insurance rules. There are ways to obtain a monetary award, but those options are best explored with the assistance of an experienced car accident attorney in Phoenix.
Fatal Car Accidents
Every year, hundreds of car accidents in Phoenix are fatal. Victims may not be able to bring claims against other negligent motorists or insurance companies, but their families can. Our law firm advocates for families who’ve lost spouses, children, and parents in deadly Phoenix accidents, helping them get the monetary justice they deserve.
What Types of Damages Are Available to Phoenix Crash Victims?
Once you’ve been hurt in a Phoenix car accident through little to no fault of your own, you’ll reserve the right to seek compensatory damages through a legal claim.
In Arizona, compensatory damages can fall into two different categories – economic and non-economic. Each type of award is designed to help you recover in different ways.
Economic Damages
Economic damages help you handle the financially stressful aspects of your crash.
By receiving an award of economic damages, you won’t be forced to deal with the verified and projected costs related to:
- Current medical bills
- Future medical expenses
- Rehabilitation
- Physical therapy
- Nursing care
- Disability
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning capacity
- Costs of a funeral if a Phoenix car accident is fatal
You are only entitled to economic damages to the extent you can prove them through invoices, receipts, and other documentation or can project them with evidentiary support.
Non-Economic Damages
It’s common for crash victims to struggle with aspects of their lives after they get hurt. Many times, these struggles don’t come with a price tag. That’s where non-economic damages come into play.
Non-economic damages can help victims deal with things like:
- Pain and suffering
- Chronic physical pain
- Disfigurement
- Loss of consortium
- Emotional distress
- Embarrassment
- Reduced quality of life
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
Since these types of damages are much harder to value, they often require expert testimony and other evidence to support them.
Count on our Phoenix car accident attorney to fight to get you every cent you’re entitled to under Arizona state law. Our law firm won’t rest until we’ve successfully made a positive difference in your life.
What Causes Most Phoenix Auto Accidents?
Car accidents can happen for a host of different reasons. Most often, it’s because someone is negligent.
Negligence refers to a lack of reasonable care, which, in turn, causes another person’s injury or untimely death.
Specifically, some of the most common causes of Phoenix car accidents include:
- Distracted driving
- Drunk driving
- Speeding
- Fatigued driving
- Unsafe turns
- Illegal passing
- Failing to yield the right of way
- Running red lights or stop signs
- Rolling stops
- Following too closely
- Ignoring traffic signs and signals
- Road rage
- Vehicle defects
- Road defects
Don’t stress about what caused your car accident. Leave that to our experienced legal professionals. We’ll conduct an extensive investigation into your crash to fully understand how and why it happened. Once we’ve determined the cause(s), we’ll begin to strategize a way to get those responsible to take full responsibility for your damages.
Who’s Liable for My Car Accident?
Arizona law extends liability to anyone who plays a role in causing a traffic accident. It doesn’t matter how slight a party’s contribution is – they’ll still be liable for a victim’s resulting damages.
Parties that are commonly liable – in whole or in part – for car accidents in Phoenix include:
- Drivers of passenger vehicles
- Bicyclists
- Pedestrians
- Motorcyclists
- Uber and Lyft rideshare drivers
- Truck drivers
- Bus drivers
- Transit companies
- Government agencies
- Property owners
- Vehicle manufacturers
In many cases, a negligent party’s employer may be vicariously liable for injuries you’ve suffered in a Phoenix car accident. As a result, you may be able to seek compensation from the negligent party and their employer, thereby expanding the potential depth of your financial recovery.
Can I Get Compensation If I’m Blamed for an Arizona Car Accident?
As long as you’re not entirely at fault, then yes.
Under Arizona’s pure comparative fault system, you’re entitled to a monetary award as long as you share 99 percent or less of the blame for an auto accident.
However, your financial recovery will be limited by your contributions to the car accident. The more fault you share, the less money you’ll be able to recover from a third party in a settlement or at trial.
Damages are reduced proportionately. So, sharing 15 percent of the blame for a recent fender-bender at a Phoenix intersection will cause your damages to reduce by 15 percent. If your case was initially valued at $100,000, your maximum recovery would be $85,000.
It’s a common strategy for insurance companies to try to blame crash victims. Many times, victims are so stressed out and overwhelmed that they don’t fight back. As a result, the value of their car accident claims decrease drastically. Our car accident lawyer in Phoenix won’t let you be the victim of these often manipulative tactics.
We’ll anticipate these approaches and work to put a plan in place to protect your ability to recover a substantial monetary award.
Helping You Seek Compensation for All of Your Severe Car Accident Injuries
Where were you seated in the vehicle? How fast were the vehicles moving at the time of impact? Did the car accident involve a large truck or commercial vehicle? Were you wearing your seatbelt? Did the airbags deploy?
All of these things can affect what types of injuries you’re most likely to suffer and how severe they might be.
Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys will be here to help you get financial justice for all of the physical trauma you’ve suffered in a recent Phoenix wreck, including:
- Whiplash injury
- Neck injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Quadriplegia injury
- Nerve damage
- Back injury
- Leg injury
- Crush injury
- Concussion injury
- Traumatic brain injury
- Eye injury
- Chest injury
- Soft tissue injury
- Burn injury
- Amputation injury
- Catastrophic injury
- Wrongful death of a spouse, parent, or child
Don’t hesitate to contact our Phoenix law office if you’ve been injured in a recent crash. Members of our team are always available to take your call, 24 hours a day.
What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Phoenix?
The steps you take (or fail to take) after an auto accident in Phoenix can have a huge impact on your ability to recover compensation from an insurance company or liable party.
Here’s what you should (and shouldn’t) do after a wreck to increase the odds of a meaningful financial recovery:
- Call 911 and report the crash to the Phoenix Police Department and ask to have an officer and other first responders dispatched
- Stay at the scene of the accident (or someone close if the scene is unsafe) and wait for the police to arrive
- Exchange insurance information with other motorists or provide those details to the police once they’re on the scene
- Don’t admit fault, apologize, or take responsibility for the crash, as these statements can hurt your ability to recover compensation down the line
- Get to the closest emergency room in Phoenix to get checked out by medical professionals so that your injuries are promptly diagnosed, treated, and documented
- Think twice before accepting an insurance company’s first settlement offer, especially if it’s made shortly after your accident
- Contact an experienced car accident attorney near you in Phoenix to discuss your legal rights and options
- Direct any requests for information, interviews, or negotiations to your lawyer
The sooner you hire a Phoenix personal injury attorney after your crash, the better positioned you’ll be to navigate a legal claim for damages. At Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys, we’re here to help our clients night and day. Reach out to our team to get started right now.
Phoenix Car Accident Statistics
When it comes to bad traffic conditions, Phoenix ranks 25th in the nation. On average, drivers spend an extra 21 hours behind the wheel every year due to congestion on the city’s roads and highways. A lot of this traffic is thanks to the intersection of Interstate 17 and Interstate 10 and the intersection of Interstate 10 and the U.S. 60, which are both ranked among the worst traffic bottlenecks in the United States.
Where there’s traffic and congestion, accidents tend to follow. Not surprisingly, tens of thousands of traffic accidents are reported in Phoenix every year.
According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix saw 40,833 total wrecks in 2021.
This reflects an average of 4 to 5 car accidents in Phoenix every hour of every day of the day.
For many, Phoenix’s auto accidents are quite serious.
In 2021:
- 278 car accidents were fatal, resulting in 294 deaths, and
- 10,879 accidents caused at least one injury, in which 16,062 people got hurt
Alcohol played a role in many of Phoenix’s crashes, particularly those that were fatal. Roughly 17 percent of the city’s fatal car accidents involved a drunk driver. And click here to see more car accident statistics.
Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer
Don’t struggle with the consequences of a recent Phoenix, Arizona crash on your own. Trust the top-rated legal team at Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys to help you demand justice from an insurance company, negligent motorist, vehicle manufacturer, and anyone else who might be responsible for your crash.
Our Phoenix car accident attorney is a passionate legal advocate with extensive experience handling complex car accident cases. We’ve helped our clients win millions, and now we’re prepared to fight to get you top results, too.
Contact our Phoenix law office today at (602) 345-1818 to get started. Your initial case evaluation is free.
Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office in Phoenix, AZ
Impact Legal Car Accident Attorneys
16202 N Cave Creek Rd Suite D, Phoenix, AZ 85032, United States
Our Personal Injury law firm in Phoenix also provides:
- Phoenix Bicycle Accident Lawyers
- Brain Injury Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
- Phoenix Premises Liability Lawyers
- Dog Bite Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
- Motorcycle Accidents Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ
- Phoenix Pedestrian Accident Lawyers
- Truck Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
- Wrongful Death Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ