Phoenix Bus Accident Lawyers

Experienced Phoenix Bus Accident Attorneys Serving Arizona

For many, buses are a daily way of life. You probably don't think much about stepping onto a bus to get to wherever you are going. While commonplace, buses can pose dangerous consequences if something goes wrong, and bus accident consequences are typically much worse than accidents involving smaller vehicles.

Whether you've been involved in a school bus collision, private charter bus crash, or city or metro bus accident, you need a bus accident law firm by your side to ensure your best interests are protected. Our experienced team of Phoenix Bus Accident Lawyers are dedicated to serving clients in Phoenix, AZ

Call or text our bus accident lawyers at Impact Legal today at 602-345-1818 to set up a free consultation to discuss the details of your potential case. Additionally, you can fill out this online form, and we'll reach out to you. 

Bus Accidents Are Different from Other Accidents

Bus accidents are incredibly different from other accidents for a few reasons. What makes these types of crashes different also makes them more dangerous and deadly. Here are three reasons a bus crash can be disastrous:

  • The Size of the Vehicle - Buses are considerably larger than regular cars. The average bus weighs between 25,000 and 40,000 pounds. This massive weight combined with momentum can cause catastrophic damages and injuries. 
  • The Shape of the Vehicle - In addition to the size of a bus, the shape of it is another factor that can make a bus wreck quite severe. A bus is top-heavy because of its shape, which makes it more likely to roll over in an accident. Roll-over accidents typically cause more injuries, especially if passengers are not restrained. 
  • The Design of the Vehicle - Many buses are designed for passengers to stand or sit in seats that lack seatbelts. The lack of restraint increases the number and severity of injuries when buses are involved in accidents.

Additionally, filing an insurance claim can be a lot different and more complex after a bus accident. The bus may be part of a government entity, as with public transportation or school buses. When this happens, filing a claim can get tricky, complicated, and adhere to different timelines. 

Private buses aren't much better in terms of filing a claim. Often these bus companies have the funds to hire skilled lawyers, and they usually have large commercial insurance companies that can be difficult to fight. This makes it hard for victims to get the compensation they deserve after a bus accident that wasn't their fault. 

If you've been in a crash, hiring a bus accident lawyer in Phoenix is advisable. We'll help protect your rights and get you what you need to get your life back on track. 

Types of Bus Wrecks

Our Phoenix law firm has experience with the following types of bus accidents in Arizona:

  • Public Bus/City Transit Accidents
  • Tour Bus Crashes
  • School Bus Accidents
  • Charter/Private Bus Wrecks
  • 15-Passenger Van Crashes

If you or a family member has been involved in any of the above types of bus crashes, call Impact Legal today to find out what your legal options are. 

Common Causes of Bus Accidents & Liability

There are many things that can cause a bus accident in Phoenix, including driver negligence, poor maintenance of the bus, fatigued/overworked drivers, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, defective equipment, inadequately trained drivers, distracted driving, etc. 

Further, there can be multiple responsible parties in a bus accident. Some defendants in this type of vehicle collision might include the driver, the driver's company, other drivers on the road, the bus manufacturer, the bus driver's employer, third-party contractors, etc. Proving where the fault lies is an important part of a bus accident case.  

Steps to Take After a Bus Accident in Arizona

As with other types of wrecks, there are certain steps to take after you've been involved in a commercial vehicle crash. The two biggest things to remember after a bus accident are to make sure you and others involved are safe. Once you've ensured that, take steps to gather the proper information. Here is a checklist to follow after an accident:

  1. Seek Medical Attention - Even if you think your injuries are minor, it's advisable to get yourself checked out. A bus accident is serious, and severe injuries don't always show up immediately. Additionally, seeing a medical professional can help you obtain the documentation you may later need. 
  2. Call the Police - Make sure the accident is reported, so the official report can be filed. Share your side of the story with the police.
  3. Collect Information at the Scene - Fully document the accident by taking pictures. Take photos of the vehicles involved, skid marks, signs, intersections, and anything else that might be helpful to have documented later.
  4. Get Information from Witnesses - Talk to anyone who may have witnessed the crash. Get their information. These statements can be vital should you need more evidence going forward.
  5. Contact a Bus Accident Lawyer - As stated above, bus accidents can be complex. Having an attorney on your side will help you ensure no timelines are missed, the fault is established precisely, and you get the compensation you need.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a bus crash in Arizona, call Impact Legal today. We're experienced commercial vehicle accident lawyers who are ready to fight for you. Don't let the insurance companies short-change you in this process. This is about getting you whole again– we'll make sure you are able to get on the road to recovery as soon as possible. 

Call or text us at 602-345-1818, or fill out the form on this page, and we will contact you to set up an initial meeting to discuss the details of your case.